Nanoose Garden Club
Cultivating Vancouver Island Coastal Communities through Learning, Participating in Meetings, Workshops, Garden Tours and Outings as we Fertilize Friendships and Grow as Gardeners
~ Nanoose Bay ~
~ Upcoming Events ~
Guest speaker - Amanda Howe
​Presentation: Herbal Medicine in the Garden - Your garden is a Medicine Chest!
Amanda will talk about the incredible medicinal power of the plants growing in all our gardens - including se weeds. Bring your questions.
Amanda Howe has been a Herbalist for over forty years. She trained in England in the early '80's and became a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (UK). She went on to receive her MSc in Herbal Medicine from the University of Wales. Amanda teaches at Pacific Rim College in Victoria, BC. as a teacher in their full-time Herbal Practitioner training program, and is a teacher in the PRC online Community Herbalist Program. She also teaches workshops and classes from her home and garden in Cumberland, BC. Amanda is passionate about herbs and herbal medicine and about sharing the connection with the natural world that can be found through connecting with and learning about the healing power of plants. Amanda loves to teach and is happiest when she is in the garden teaching people how to grow, harvest, use and listen to the magic of the plants that are thriving.
​​​Registration 1pm - meeting starts at 1:15 pm.
Venue: Nanoose Library Hall
Guest fees now $5.00.
​With costs going up this increase is necessary in order to ensure we can continue to provide the speakers and group get togethers that we all enjoy.